Monday, August 31, 2020

What are some of the awesome facts you believe very few people know?


What are some of the awesome facts you believe very few people know?

1-Babies blink eyes less than adults.

2- whales can make rainbows.

3- Tongue is fastest healing part of body.

4- Females are talkative.

5- clocks will never being dreams.

6- Those people who don't share their feeling with other are more sensitive.

7- Continuously dreaming about someone means that person missing you.

8- The inability to fall a sleep at night mean you are awake in someone‘ s dream

9- The smallest bone in the human body are found in ear.

10 - The size of your eyes remain same.

11- Human body can produce electricity.

12- Human eye can see candle flame from as far 30 miles away.

13 - crying relax the people.

Thank you so much for reading!

cp#Mehwish Kushboo

What is the scariest psychological disorder?


What is the scariest psychological disorder?


Delirium of Cotard

An extremely rare and uncommon mental disorder for which there is no further information. The affected person firmly believes that he is dead (either figuratively or literally), he can even feel the putrefaction of the organs or the non-existence of these. He is convinced that he has already died but for some reason he is still on the physical plane.

A face divided between life and death shows the most terrifying face of this disease.

"Alien hand syndrome"

Strange disorder of neurological origin that is distinguished by causing in the person who suffers all kinds of involuntary and uncontrolled movements in one of the hands.

In addition, the movements add to the feeling of strangeness that the person feels with respect to said limb. The patient experiences a personification of the arm and the hand, which make him feel that it has a life of its own.

Those who suffer from it believe that one of their hands operates on its own, and they can do strange and terrifying things due to the lack of control they have over it.

Psycho by wendigo

The Wendigo is a disturbing creature.

 A spirit that has the power to materialize and even possess the body of any human being who thinks certain things ...

He is described as a diabolical being, although no one, except his victims, knows what he really is.

The Wendigo embodies the taboo of cannibalism, a fact that is confirmed by the very peoples from which it originates, who considered that anyone who tasted human flesh, even in circumstances of extreme necessity, sooner or later would become an executioner of the gloomy Wendigo.

This legend was adopted by psychiatry. "Wendigo psychosis" is a very rare diagnosis that combines the disorder of cannibalism with an obsessive urge to eat human flesh, including one's own. This coupled with the fear of becoming a victim of these terrible obsessions.

What is the scariest psychological disorder?


What is the scariest psychological disorder?


Capgras syndrome

Perhaps the most disconcerting mental disorder that exists, since those who suffer from it are sure that a close relative has been replaced by an identical impostor ...

The affected person has the firm conviction that a close person with whom there is a very broad bond, usually a relative with whom he lives, has been replaced by another person, an identical substitute. Most of the patient's questions are unanswered, which makes him live in a state of despair and causes strong feelings of fear and rejection of the person he considers an impostor.

Imagine this situation, you come back from university, open the door and meet a stranger, and the worst part is that this double looks a lot like a relative you love very much (your mother, father, brother ...) someone whom you know perfectly and with whom you share a home. But quietly you begin to notice that this person has some strange differences that make you think that he is not really who he seems ... he is someone else, probably a bad person. Where is your real father, mother, brother? How bad will the impostor's intentions be? It is not necessary to explain more to notice that this disease generates great psychological suffering to those who are afflicted with it.

Sunday, August 30, 2020

What are some good facts about human psychology?


What are some good facts about human psychology?

I will try to give my best facts about human psychology while keeping it short. Let’s go. (Is worth your time for sure)

Here are 10 facts about human psychology

  1. Memories bring down the importance of the moment.

We as humans have 2 different selves.

Evocative self and the experiential self.

Evocative self is making a decision based on memories.

The experiential self is making a decision based on your well-being importance.

There was an experiment, where the participants experienced 2 experiences:

  1. 60 seconds with hands in cold water.
  2. 60 seconds with hands in cold water+30 seconds with +1 degree water temperature.

And then they were asked to choose one to do it again. 80% of participants choose 2. But why, there is a lot more suffering in the second experienced than in the first one. They decided based on their memories, and memory is more like a picture than a video, it remembers only the end and the climax.

So the second experience has the same climax but a better end because it has warmer water, even tho the time is a lot longer. So our memories don’t care about the time of experience. And they are a source of biases.

We might think that the people in the experiment are masochists, but this is how most of us make decisions, based on memories that wake up sentiments, not based on logic.

There are more experiments that back up this result, so it is actually something real. So our evocative self is stronger than our experiential self, how we remember things is more important than how we will feel.

So, this nice quote is wrong: Nature has placed mankind under the governance of two sovereign masters, pain and pleasure. It is for them alone to point out what we ought to do, as well as to determine what we shall do.-Jeremy Bentham

Source: Fast thinking, slow thinking

2. People are not born statisticians. Take this experiment, you have to choose 1 part from each :

  • 61% chances to win 520.000 $ or 63% chances to win 500.000 $
  • 98% chances to win 520.000 $ or 100% chances to win 500.000$

Now you probably choose 61% in the first one and 100% in the second one. But why, 2% in the first situation is not worth 20.000 $ but in the second situation is. So you just showed your irrationality. It is fine, we all are.

Source: Fast thinking, slow thinking

3. 5 positive experiences counter the effect of 1 negative experience.

4. We are a car drawing hasty conclusions.

Chances are that you read: ABC and 121314

But you could as well read: A13C and 12B14

We neglect ambiguity.

5. When we enter / exit a door we forget what we were thinking.

6. A lot of us suffer from ‘Phantom Vibration Syndrome'; the feeling that your phone is vibrating while it actually isn't.

7. The will can be trained and is consumable.

8. We love new songs that are similar to what we've heard so far.

9. Habits are important on the road to success.

Why? Because are not requiring constant energy to maintain them. The beginning of a habit is extremely important tho.

10. We perceive personal concessions greater than they really are.

11. And lastly, pressing the upvote button will make your day better with 30%.

btw, this is how wins/losses are perceived.


Saturday, August 29, 2020

What are some basic truths about human psychology?


What are some basic truths about human psychology?

Psychology is vast subject and field.I think the questioner want to know psychologically searched facts and truth about human behavior not of basic truth about human psychology itself.Thanks Google search the easiest way to make impossible possible for our knowledge.

Human Psychology

 How do l know if I am intelligent?

7 Signs You Are Intelligent

  1. People come to you for answers
  2. You are always successful.
  3. You constantly come up with new ideas.
  4. You seek knowledge more than pleasure.
  5. You are able to simplify complicated methods.
  6. You derive enjoyment from learning.
  7. You value time more than money.

How can you identify intelligent people?

  How can you identify intelligent people? Here, I would like to  talk about the intelligent people not the artificial intelligent people. A...