Thursday, October 1, 2020

How can you identify intelligent people?

How can you identify intelligent people?

Here, I would like to talk about the intelligent people not the artificial intelligent people.

Actually everyone is intelligent, but the standards of people towards the intelligence are different.

As an intelligent person, he must specifies the following characters.

1. They can efficiently use their free time to do some meaningful things. That means, they have a serious faith on time and know what their key points are.

2. They can balance their family and career in a good way. An intelligent people won't have some troubles in some conflicts between his career and family.

3. They know how to comfort their lover and make them happy. That means, they have abilities to avoid conflicts with their lovers.

3. When chatting with others, they can first listen carefully to others' opinion and do a great listener. Then, they will express their opinions about the same question.

4. They are very humorous to lead the atmosphere. That means, they are sometimes leaders and helper to make organizations smooth and comfortable.

5.They are good at finding other's sadness and comfort them in a gentle way. Meanwhile, they won't hurt them directly after knowing their pain.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Inspirational Quote.

 Inspirational Quote.

What are some pictures (without text) with deep meaning(s)?

Some of the best which I liked the most :-

  1. Only see someone by their heart, not with clothes or physical appearance

2. Never abuse anyone

3.Connection of heart with heart.

4. Take a stand for what you think is right to do.

5. Never do this to anyone .Totally broken and every feelings broken.

6. Life after death pays the way for someone else's new life.

7. This happens with real talent nowadays.

Thanks a lot. 

Thursday, September 17, 2020

What's something you recently learned that shocked you?

What's something you recently learned that shocked you?

She met her Childhood friend who went mad after being addicted to drugs.Instead of running away, she bought him a breakfast, Spoke to him then decided to make him admitted in psychiatric hospital.

I was shocked when I learnt that he later passed away. May he rest in peace.

Image source; Facebook.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

What are some pictures (without text) with deep meaning(s)?

What are some pictures (without text) with deep meaning(s)?

Put the picture first, then write the explanation.

So you can think about it first.

People who offer you a helping hand may not really want to help you.

Is human a parasite of mobile phone, or is mobile phone a part of human body?

No one can see the sadness behind you, only the superficial style.


No matter how much resources you have, it doesn't help if you don't use them.

Sometimes, you can succeed by sticking to it a little bit more.

Wrong direction. more efforts, more embarrassed!

It's not the maze that's holding you, it's your mind.

The same age, different childhood.

Cultural invasion. Sooner or later, people will forget some people…

Beg in a haughty manner.

If you don't act, laziness will take root.

Life needs two friends who can support each other with you.


Choose the difficult road, perhaps faster success.

Learn to make fun of yourself.

Dare to innovate to defeat the opponent!

If you find that life is particularly difficult, it may be that the harvest is particularly huge!

Social narcissism.

Beggars with sound limbs and disabled people who work hard.

Superficial friends and selfish humanity.

Don't think other people's success depends on luck.

Children of different worlds.

What will children become without parental instruction.

What do you think the above picture means?

Welcome to leave a message for discussion~

Friday, September 11, 2020

What psychological tricks can I use in everyday life?

What psychological tricks can I use in everyday life?

  • Want Someone’s Full Attention: Start nodding just a little bit during the conversation, this non-verbal cue forces the person you’re talking, to give his full attention to you and they won’t even realize why.
  • Want to have Clarity of Mind: Write down your thoughts, whenever you feel anxious, stressed, & depressed. Believe it or not, you’ll be able to pay focus on your work because you feel like you shared your thoughts with someone.
  • Want to sharpen your memory: You’re always worried whether you lock the door or not. But after knowing this trick, you’ll never need to worry again. Just say some weird phrase like a pink rabbit while locking the door. Next time, when you start doubting whether you lock the door or not, you’ll remember saying this weird phrase and it’ll calm you down.
  • Want to wake up at the first ring of Alarm: As soon your alarm clock goes off, sit up and make two fists and yell as if you’re a soccer player who’s just scored a goal, I know it sounds weird, but it helps you to get out from the bed feeling refreshed.
  • Want to Improve Your Life: Start smiling – because when you smile your body release Endorphins (a feel-good chemical) that boost your mood, increase your confidence, makes you more optimistic, and improve your relationship.
  • Want to make a decision without overwhelming: Some people believe it’s better to have more choices. But in reality, more choice makes you feel overwhelmed. So, in order to be an effective decision-maker, give yourself fewer options at a time.
  • Want to Boost Your Confidence: Right posture can help you to boost your confidence. Because when you allow yourself to take up more space, you’re more likely to feel more confident. It can drastically improve your dating life and help you move up the ladder at work.
  • Want to Look Trustworthy among others: Warm your hands before shaking hands with others because warm hands give a friendly vibe to others. While cold hands are linked to distrust.
  • Want Everyone to Say Yes to You: Never start your request with the word “could you”, it can cause the other person to subconsciously to think that this is a theoretical question. If you want, yes as an answer then avoid saying questions like “Could you help me” instead start saying “I need your help”

Thanks for Reading!!

Be Humble: My ego will not hurt by taking help from others.

How can you identify intelligent people?

  How can you identify intelligent people? Here, I would like to  talk about the intelligent people not the artificial intelligent people. A...